Other Dangerous Goods or Hazardous Materials
Flammable Liquid
Contains Batteries or Cells?
Skin Type
All Skin Types
Verified and Official Wand Replacements: These wands are the official replacements for Pure Daily Care’s NuDerma Standard High Frequency machine.
This listing is solely for replacement wands and does not include the NuDerma Standard High Frequency machine that is needed to operate treatment sessions.
Using these wands in a different model of NuDerma will void its warranty and cause the unit to break.
Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP): The universal currency for energy in all cells of the human body. As we age ATP production slows which can lead to the outward signs of aging. Sagging skin, hair loss, age spots are other skin imperfections are the hallmark signs of decreased cell activity due to aging. The NuDerma machine amplifies cell turnover by supercharging ATP synthesis to slow, halt and ultimately reverse the aging process leading to firmer younger skin.
Instant Skin Radiance: High frequency treatments are a safe and 100% natural way of boosting your entire skin profile no matter your skin type. The NuDerma machine turns back the clock by energizing and oxygenating skin at the cellular level. It also kills any sub-dermal causes of inflammation to control blemishes and ensure a smoother complexion 90% faster. You’ll see a difference after just a single session.
Wand Replacements Available:
Mushroom Tube: Treats broad areas: forehead, cheeks, & jawline
Tongue Tube: Contoured tip for under-eye & nasolabial folds
Comb Tube: Promotes lush, healthy-looking scalp & hair
Spot Tube: Targets specific blemishes & spots
Wand Powered Options:
Neon (Orange): Improves blood flow by oxygenating the skin. Reduces fine lines over time.